The Beast
From behind them, Jimmy's huge black pickup truck rolled into the parking lot. It was affectionately referred to as The Beast from everyone who knew it well. The Beast could take dents and not really care. The Beast laughed at snow, at speed bumps, at anything in it's way. The Beast struck fear in simple little cars that stood before it. The Beast was a legend. Still, Dean was pretty surprised The Beast was still alive. Even in high school, The Beast was looking pretty grim.
Ah, today - today might not be so good for writing. I've got that tired sort of achy that can settle in at the end of a week. I just want a beer and a shower, and I have a lot of beer in the fridge. Lunch roped me about 500 words or something, keeping my head above water for the daily goal - but this weekend is going to bear down and I'll have to keep up. I'm also feeling the quagmire of being really "in" the story. Beginnings and endings are easy, the middle is the meat.
Going to try and update this blog with excerpts pertaining to the headlines. Why? I don't really know.
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